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Nick 10:16 yep. Just look at how many people will fact check something they don't agree with but repeat ad nauseum untrue statements that they like.
24th Jul 2024 10:33:23 
Ex - The home of WU
The BBC often say things I disagree with, I don't think they are biased. The Guardian I nearly always agree with, I think they are biased just like the Mail, Express, Sun and so on are.
24th Jul 2024 10:32:19 
Ex - The home of WU
Yes be careful my mate musician mate got stabbed near one of the Wembley stations about 6 months ago.poor guy was just walking out of the station minding his own buisness. And an estate agent we know in Norbury had the scammers trying to pretend he had hit their moped, all of a sudden he was surrounded by 3 mopeds ,so locked himself in his electric car.,called police but they were too busy to show up.
24th Jul 2024 10:27:30 
Ex - The home of WU
A4E - fair enough to have a bit of a joke on the subject. The reality, of course, is that London is generally pretty safe for the visitor or commuter but that that is not the case in certain areas/ for certain groups - I am sure / hope that you will be fine today though.
24th Jul 2024 10:22:00 
Ex - The home of WU
I think that for media things "unbiased" = "says what I agree with"; "biased" = "doesn't agree with me"
24th Jul 2024 10:16:59 
Ex - The home of WU
I’m almost at Paddington - got my stab vest on and am tooled up in case I get jumped…. Will hopefully report back from the no go front line later…. 😲
24th Jul 2024 10:15:10 
Ex - The home of WU
Cheers woking jon,just shows how unsafe the UK is nowdays. God knows what stats would look like if every crime was reported..and good to see 12 hrs late bbc report, Breaking news not!
24th Jul 2024 10:12:01 
Ex - The home of WU
So agreeing with Gordon Brown (assuming he did and does) counts as having a 'trot heart' these days! I think that despite having had Tories parachuted into the senior management over the last few years, the BBC and the Tory management (apart from the now departed Richard Sharp) have made tolerable efforts to be unbiased.
24th Jul 2024 10:10:17 
but I'm sure stories of bias are much more fun
interesting to discover that I'm not alone in not watching the news anymore.
24th Jul 2024 09:40:48 
Too many reporters are failed actors who think they're playing the lead role in a kitchen sink miserable lives style drama.
His toenails tag comes from being so far ul Gordon Brown ass that was all that was visible...
24th Jul 2024 09:29:55 
Andrew Niel is on the Spectator's team but often calls out the Tories, so your point is...
Alan - you do know that Nick Robinson was president of the Oxford University Conservative Association I presume. I'm not averse to him as a presenter but I'd never consider him a leftist.
24th Jul 2024 09:09:58 
Ex - The home of WU
LBC freporter always first to the scene for "Stop Oil " demonstrations over the years. Funny that! At least the demonstrators got their just deserves. Radio 4 extra comes without any news/weather forecasts.
24th Jul 2024 08:55:05 
Ex - The home of WU
BBC stuff is getting worse, particularly political programmes but I put that down to the make-up of the staff and their biases. There's an extraordinary number of Scots working there which, view are left wing conditioned. I get it if you are being screwed over as they seem to be. That said Brillo, Andrew Neil is a decent interviewer like Waldron before him. But the likes of Laura Kuenssberg and Nick "toenails " Robinson wear their trot hearts on their sleeve. Panorama once was a decent watch but on political matters is about as balanced as a Question time audience...
24th Jul 2024 08:53:44 
Ex - The home of WU
Main story on the bbc website at the moment [Link]
24th Jul 2024 08:47:29 
shocking scenes
I think that pretty much all news broadcasts are opinions or unduly padded out - for example having somebody "on the spot" standing telling you how people "feel" about something that happened a couple of days ago. Really if you just want the facts you can get it online and watching the broadcast is a waste of time. The BBC website is pretty good still and it's easier to avoid being force-fed their opinions and biases than if you watch on TV. As we are forced to pay for it we might as well use it.
24th Jul 2024 08:29:44 
Ex - The home of WU
London is safer than Yprkshire, the North East, North West & West Midlands say the statistics [Link] - probably calculated by lefties.
24th Jul 2024 08:29:43 
Can't find a breakdown for violent crime, but I'm sure spit can find something on twitter/X
GB News isn’t news. It’s opinion. Sky News has the best reporters of all, they must pay more.
24th Jul 2024 08:10:22 
Ex - The home of WU
KD, for the majority of the population, BBC News is suitable. I don’t watch it, or any news channel. All too depressing. I’d say GB News actually serves as the channel for those requiring something a little dumbed down. Unwatchable and some awful awful presenters
24th Jul 2024 08:06:23 
Ex - The home of WU
KD using the R slur says all you need to know about them
24th Jul 2024 07:19:03 
Thoughts with the soldier stabbed outside Gillingham barracks.
24th Jul 2024 00:58:59 
Don't see anything on the BBC ,strange that.
London is safe says the lefties [Link]
24th Jul 2024 00:55:10 
Usually the ones that don't live in London screaming from the rooftops
I've not watched any news broadcasts in years. My first point of call is the BBC website although I'll Google to get alternative opinions. That I look to the Guardian first says about my politics.
24th Jul 2024 00:16:22 
Lefty Liberals unite.
I don’t watch any news programmes but I have experienced a general decline in the quality of the BBC News web content over the last 5 years or so. Recently they’ve got into an annoying habit of shouting about going somewhere after something has happened there. “BBC goes to scene of Leeds riot” would be an example (it’s not a real one) and they really don’t add any value but seem to think that it’s a good thing to be seen to have done.
24th Jul 2024 00:09:59 
I tend to use Google News now for a broader view on things.
C’mon, old fruit. BBC TV news is so dumbed down it’s little better than Newsround. I can only surmise they assume their audience is mentally retarded in some way.
23rd Jul 2024 22:38:04 
Ex - The home of WU
KD must be losing an argument again so out come the insults.
23rd Jul 2024 22:24:42 
Ex - The home of WU