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CW - I agree, I previously looked at Sasu and saw a kid, but he appeared more mature and basically ready… Let’s hope it wasn’t a one off 🤞
22nd Jul 2024 10:00:22 
Ex - The home of WU
Biggles- from one old fool to another, give it a rest.
22nd Jul 2024 09:59:27 
Ex - The home of WU
No apology eh? Keep digging!
22nd Jul 2024 09:49:20 
Sasu looks as if he has spent the summer in the gym bulking up which might not be a bad thing given the muscularity of L2 football
22nd Jul 2024 09:48:45 
Ex - The home of WU
Exactly, Kentish. Ironically, one of the most revealing antisemitic things I heard from Corbyn was that Jews don't understand our English irony. Hard to know where to start with that one.
22nd Jul 2024 09:46:06 
Ex - The home of WU
I think how well Sasu does will depend on how much he learnt last season and, assuming he stays on the left, the quality of the LB. He's fine with the ball - generally. Still needs to develop but that's expected. Off the ball, especially defensively, he needed to develop his awareness and positioning. He looked like what he was, an inexperienced player who didn't know where to be or where to stand in relation to the player with the ball. If he develops that then there's no reason he can't play regularly at this level. (He probably could have done with a season of Brown talking him through games).
22nd Jul 2024 09:35:38 
Ex - The home of WU
Russ that appears to have been the issue with Ward from the digging I did into his background. He's supposed to be a decent shot stopper but not good distribution. (At this level that's not uncommon).
22nd Jul 2024 09:29:44 
Ex - The home of WU
Yep, it was a riff on the left's antisemitic tropes. Biggles knows all about that.
22nd Jul 2024 09:24:54 
Ex - The home of WU
Lewis Ward’s kicking was atrocious on Saturday. Owen Goodman’s was quite good (generally to Bugiel) and I’d imagine his distribution will see him as the preferred keeper.
22nd Jul 2024 09:23:19 
Happy with the centre ‘spine’ of our team but need better quality out wide (although I think Sasu could have a breakthrough year)
And I seem to remember thinking you were just being ironic, Kentish.,
22nd Jul 2024 09:17:36 
Ex - The home of WU
No apology, Biggles, I was given a one-week suspension and a cream cheese bagel.
22nd Jul 2024 09:03:30 
Ex - The home of WU
Meadow @23:33 because that's how unelectable the career politicians. Trump's win seems to have mainly been for 2 reasons. 1 he was seen as an anti-career politician vote. 2. Hillary Clinton pissed off so many democrats with her campaign against Obama for the nomination before, that she alienated a lot of the voters she needed. (And she was already unpopular for things like seeing it as her right to be president, riding Bill's coat tails etc). Says it all that Biden won against Trump.
22nd Jul 2024 08:50:18 
No one wants most of the people who want that job
I'm just surprised it hasn't gone the way I thought it would - i.e. he'd do half a term, have to leave due to ill health and they'd get the VP into the office they wanted with a couple of years to build a profile before having to stand for election.
22nd Jul 2024 08:47:17 
Ex - The home of WU
I don't know why Biden supporters are complaining him being portrayed as old with memory issues. That was stated as the reason he wasn't subject to the same charges as Trump for the same offences around secret documents. [Link]
22nd Jul 2024 08:45:33 
Basically it got him out of an impeachment.
Think I'm siding with Papers at the moment our finishing position this season. Goalkeepers a down grade on last season and so far no replacement left back.
22nd Jul 2024 08:37:33 
Need a couple of quality defenders signed up very soon.
Remind us why you had to make a public apology.
22nd Jul 2024 08:33:04 
Ex - The home of WU
All I can say is that JJ has his work cut out with that squad
22nd Jul 2024 08:15:36 
the weak areas need addressing soon - make do and mend will not be enough if a shit season is to be avoided
I don’t actually think VAR is a global Jewish conspiracy to control football, nor do I think spark plugs are a Zionist plot to control global traffic.
22nd Jul 2024 08:14:12 
The left on the other hand…
Remind us who likes making antisemitic jokes.
22nd Jul 2024 08:12:33 
JD Vance jokingly said Labour winning means we’re the first Islamist nation with the bomb, possibly thinking of J Corbyn-ul-Haq and all the other anti-Semitic leftwits who regard Hamas as their friends.
22nd Jul 2024 06:40:08 
For the many, not the Jew
Indeed Kite - America, never knowingly not racist… 🙄
22nd Jul 2024 05:18:08 
Ex - The home of WU
Trump's Veep JD Vance, thinks we're an islamic state. Should go down well in wupland though
22nd Jul 2024 03:23:11 
Ex - The home of WU
I know very little about US politics but Trump scares me. His last term as president appeared to be a catalogue of disasters yet the Republican party seem happy for him to stand again. Why?
21st Jul 2024 23:33:00 
Ex - The home of WU
Point proven.
21st Jul 2024 23:12:03 
Ex - The home of WU
I agree, it's pathetic
21st Jul 2024 22:42:56 
Ex - The home of WU