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It wasn't pdf that put me off but IEA, although as IEA documents go (they were Truss's biggest backers) it is actually only marginally biased against the BBC. A few valid points, but some idiotic ideas, for example, about Thought For The Day (Christians are just too demanding about camels and eyes of needles apparently).
24th Jul 2024 16:41:59 
Ex - The home of WU
[Link] this is a pretty decent read on the BBC bias debate. It's a pdf download, so that's not your thing then don't click on it. It's from the IEA
24th Jul 2024 16:26:52 
Ex - The home of WU
Mind wouldn't be surprised if there are riots after the video circulation
24th Jul 2024 16:24:00 
Ex - The home of WU
Postman,good policing if you don't comply to police orders a kick and stamp might make others comply next time
24th Jul 2024 16:22:12 
Good old fashioned policing
Spit you'll never know, they don't talk about things like that...😆
24th Jul 2024 16:17:32 
Ex - The home of WU
Oh dear not going to well at Manchester airport on social sites
24th Jul 2024 16:07:30 
Ex - The home of WU
Wonder how much that cost for the review on club communication 🤔
24th Jul 2024 16:07:24 
Ex - The home of WU
Bring back corona bottles
24th Jul 2024 15:01:51 
Ex - The home of WU
It’s a marathon not a snickers
24th Jul 2024 14:50:50 
Ex - The home of WU
They definitely will KD, but good for people to pace themselves as it looks like a long road.
24th Jul 2024 14:46:43 
Ex - The home of WU
Only fair that the Labour government will get a kicking too, OI :-)
24th Jul 2024 14:23:52 
Blessed are the cheesemakers
Yes we've had probably about 1% of the duration of the current parliament so still plenty of time to get outraged.
24th Jul 2024 13:43:33 
Was only when I saw him on gogglebox that I realised just how far from the guy I remember seeing on telly when I was young he actually is
24th Jul 2024 13:02:38 
Ex - The home of WU
DO I think Chris Packham is awfully upset and thinks everyone else should be?
24th Jul 2024 13:01:45 
Ex - The home of WU
Is there a petition to protest at the outrageous sentances handed out to the Just Stop Oil protesters?
24th Jul 2024 12:28:45 
Didn't appear to be any mitigating factors, so should have got the whole ten years!
I think that it is correct that the BBC’ ethos is “extreme centre”, which is why they are always able to trot out the line that “both sides think that we are wrong, therefore we are right” and why those who broadly share that worldview think that the BBC isn’t biased. The reality is that all media organisations are and always will be biased based on the views of their owners and employees.
24th Jul 2024 12:06:44 
Ex - The home of WU
Zarah Sultana, Tutti Frutti, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Foghorn Leghorn, Chris Waddle.
24th Jul 2024 12:05:05 
Bueno estente
BBC journos are Blair / Cameron types. Not left not right but part of that extreme centre who like to pretend they are sensible when in reality they are war mongers (to the point of being obsessed with going to war), have no real principles and will happily sell their souls if you dangle a few pennies / donations in front of them.
24th Jul 2024 11:56:13 
Ex - The home of WU
So in 2 weeks Kid Starver has let prisoners out early,allowing illegal immigrants to stay . and taken the whip away from 7 labour MPs for daring to vote to help prevent child poverty
24th Jul 2024 11:53:59 
Going well so far.:-)
The idea that Kuenssberg and Robinson are "trots" must take some sort of prize for being the most barking mad right-wing "idea". Of which there are plenty here.
24th Jul 2024 11:46:06 
We look forward to our next game a glamorous trip to Mansfield/huddersfield/Peterborough
24th Jul 2024 11:08:07 
Ex - The home of WU
'Throughout the [American Crew] partnership, Ollie Palmer, Jordan Davies and Paul Mullin will share their favorite looks, tips and insights on grooming as leading football stars.' [Link]
24th Jul 2024 11:02:31 
Different world
Plus what gets reported isn't what's happening it's what the media want to report. So what will work as click bait, rage bait, appeal to what's the current cause celebre. Good example, when it all kicked off about a school girl being strip searched at school. The media were all over it as though this was some horrendous one off thing. It's been going on for years and something like 98% of the kids are boys, mostly black, no one in the media gave a shite. You need the right incident, the right victim, the right perpetrator, the right propensity to spin and scare to make the news. School kids being mugged most days doesn't cut it for them.
24th Jul 2024 10:45:08 
Ex - The home of WU
For example most weeks (and often multiple times a week), local facebook groups have parents warning that their child has been mugged for their phone, bike, scooter. None of those make the news. They are happening. The same week a while back, when a young girl was stabbed on a bus in Croydon, where the mayor was there claiming it's really rare and the media were all over it. That same week there were reports on social media of stabbings in the same area. They never made the news.
24th Jul 2024 10:39:46 
What gets reported isn't all there is.
A good example of perception bias is how many people are happy to believe that what gets reported (in the press/to the police) for some crimes is the tip of the iceberg when they're told that. Yet don't even consider that applies to a lot of the crimes they choose to believe aren't as common as some say.
24th Jul 2024 10:36:33 
Ex - The home of WU