The Guestbook

Yes, that's right, guestbook. Not a forum. None of that fancy threading stuff required here, thankyou. We like it and it suits our purpose.

Back in the mists of time the guestbook of the Weird And Wonderful World website was instrumental in mobilising Wimbledon fans during the formation of AFC Wimbledon. For several years both before and thereafter it was THE place for fans, officials and players alike to dip in and out and keep up to date with everything going on, both fact and rumour. However, it was far more than just a football forum, it was a cyber-pub where people could hang out and chat about anything that took their fancy (except cricket and politics).

Arriving home one autumn evening in 2005 to find that W&WW had boarded up its windows and locked its doors, after a flurry of e-mails agreed it was too valuable a resource to let die, the WUP coding crew (aka Bert) jumped into action and by the end of a long night a replacement was unleashed on an expectant public.

Within a few days the Old Centrals Repository, as it's officially known, had its own look and feel pinned down and the search for a server capable of coping long-term with the traffic and intensity at a reasonable price was started. For varying reasons, usually involving reducing costs and increasing reliability, we are now on our fourth server and the code has been re-written several times.

The guestbook is the sum of its parts. On our side we try and keep the cyber-pub ethos alive. Moderation is kept to a minimum. Fans of (almost all) other clubs are encouraged to join in. With the exception of pornographic, racist, homophobic, libellous, illegal or unnecessarily offensive or provocative comments we try to let things flow. That means it's down to the punters to create their own lines of discussion, and for others to either ignore them or join in.

The Fanzine
The first WUP

The fanzine, the Womble Underground Press, made its debut at Reading Town for the final CCL away game of the 2002/03 season. That first issue was produced solely by Mole (soon to become Moke after an unfortunate typo stuck) and Bert immediately spotted its potential and dragged him into the back of the Wombulance.

After fifteen season, having become the longest running UK based Dons fanzine in the world EVER, it has veered between regular and sporadic, good and bad, safe and controversial and large and small print, selling between 250 and 700 copies per (proper) issue.

There have also been several special issues, most notably the WUP for the Cup series and the Family Fun Day WUPs.

We're occasionally asked, "what's the point in having a fanzine for a club owned by the fans?" It's a good question. The main purpose is simply to raise funds. Every £ we get goes back into the club in one way or another. Over the years we believe we've dug into your pockets to the tune of £30k or so. It also gives the opportunity for those without access to the plethora of online formats to have their say, good or bad, or for anyone to provide an extended argument on their topic of choice. It allows publication of niche articles that are perhaps not deemed worthy of a place in official publications. And it's something else to read on the bus on the way home.

The fanzine is currently mothballed. Don't hold your breath for another issue, but never say never!

For details of each issue see The Fanzine.

Where The Money Comes From

Your pockets, in a nutshell.

The main source of income was sales of the fanzine and the limited edition t-shirts that crop up as and when the inspiration takes us.

The guestbook also aims to make a small profit by means of charging for fancy dan tags and begging for donations.

WUP co-ordinated the 2009/10 Sponsored Goals project, which, if everybody who pledged coughed up would have raised in excess of £1700.

Any other way we can think of raising funds may also be considered.

Where The Money Goes

Here's where we'll regularly report on WUP's past and current fundraising activities

All proceeds from the sales of WUP and WUP related items or initiatives go to AFCW related projects. Here are some of the more prominent items that have been purchased with or benefited from your cash;

Haydon The Womble: Back in 2006, WUP was responsible for the arrival of your favourite bin-banging Dons mascot and club community ambassador (£2800). During 2011, we shelled out a further (£700+) on urgently needed running repairs/footwear replacement for our furry friend.

The Trophy Cabinet: WUP put a hefty sum towards the purchase of the AFCW trophy cabinet, (£1000) in which you can admire all the silverware won without any Buckinghamshire involvement.

The Toilets: WUP made a substantial contribution towards Kingsmeadow toilet renovation costs (£3250)

The Disabled Section: WUP handed over a cheque to be used towards instigating improvements for disabled AFCW fans. (£2500)

Non-specific club donations: WUP has in previous seasons contributed towards club funds to the tune of: (£2000)

The Goals And Nets at Kingsmeadow: WUP paid for the new box-style goals/nets to be installed (£750) and a renewal of nets in 2012 (£300)

Speed cage

Speed Cage: Inspired by Fleydon, WUP stumped up for an inflatable speed cage for use at community events (£2300) Around (£66) was recently donated to facilitate the purchase of a sturdy sack barrow to help volunteers transport this bulky item at club events without doing themselves a mischief.

Sock Sponsorship: WUP is proud to sponsor the away socks of Jason Prior and Jim Fenlon. (£40)

Young Player Of The Year Trophy: In conjunction with the Callow family, WUP annually sponsors the presentation of the Natalie Callow Memorial Trophy for the AFCW Young Player Of The Year, as voted for by our readers

Ladies Team: WUP has provided training kit for the team in the past and sponsored their pre-season tour in Holland. WUP has frequently sponsored a Ladies player and provided other financial assistance on occasion. For season 2011-12, we sponsored the entire Ladies team, for the princely sum of: (£250)

Family Fun Day: WUP has sponsored the AFCW Family Fun Day on several occasions

Supporters Team: WUP funded the first kit for the Supporters Football Team

Charity Support: WUP donated to "Walking To The World Cup Leukaemia Fund" (£100), The FC Utd Development Fund (£500) and nominal charity donations.

Bail-Out: WUP produced an official match programme for Fisher Athletic for their match with AFCW, when Fisher were unable to do their own. Half of the profit (£250) was donated to Fisher.

Moral Support: WUP attended the formation meeting for AFC Telford United in 2004 and gave well received encouragement

Mascot Race: In 2011 WUP sponsored the inaugural Wimbledon Mascot Race, hosted by our very own Haydon. All entrants received medals and the winner received a trophy (circa £186 outlay)

Play-Off Final Subsidised Fans Coach to Eastlands: In 2011 WUP heavily subsidised a supporters coach to watch the famous victory over Luton, at a cost of (£800+). Good job the Dons won, otherwise we might have been struggling to justify that activity!

Player Sponsorship:Men and women are sponsored annually to one degree (socks) or another (full kit).

The Guestbook: Whenever donations dry up, WUP has paid the webhosting bill for The unofficial online portal for all things yellow and blue. Currently this web space is kindly donated by Woking Jon.

The WUP Team

Goalkeeper - The Black Fingernail: The arrival of a wife, then a child, haven't dented the enthusiasm of our money counter, but have severely limited his attendance at games. Was originally part of the short-lived Big One Hans team. Player-manager, diary gimp. tag control gimp, e-mail gimp and apprentice guestbook gimp.

Left Back - Maliniok: Signed at the start of last season from Lech Poznan, although he refuses to turn around when we score.

Right Back - Moke: Founder member and award winning cardboard engineer. The very first WUP was all his own work, and he put together many of the issues thereafter, before finding a girlfriend and moving to Sheffield.

Left Half - OldWarwickiDon: Turns up, sells WUPs, then disappears back into the crowd. A valued member of the team nonetheless.

Centre Half - Leamington Pete: Large, jovial Midlands based fruitloop who has carelessly lost two football clubs already. Currently production editor and designer.

Right Half - TinTin: Makes up with enthusiasm what he lacks in spelling. Limited opportunities due to his close friendship with our match-day mascot.

Right Wing - Bubble: Has managed many articles despite an intense dislike of capital letters and punctuation. Ideas man extraordinairre.

Inside Right - Sleepy Womble: Code gimp and general fusspot who contributes the occasional article and quiz. Was also the only printer until later arrivals took pity on him. Used to be found in the back bar pretending to fold, staple and sell. Guestbook gimp.

Centre Forward - Brazilian Don: Cigar toting, exhuberant, up-front and in your face master salesman of the team. Guestbook gimp.

Left Half - Weston Green Don: Slotted into the sales force and made the kerb by the shop his own. A real all-rounder, he is also one of the print-monkeys and a guestbook gimp.

Left Wing - Womble66: Made his debut against Arsenal at the start of last season and stole the show. Ably assisted by Mrs Womble66 who has enthusiastically taken on the print and press mantel.

RIP - Basingstoke Don: Long time contributor to several fanzines, now a member of the prawn-sandwich brigade and retired from WUP duties.

Retired - Kate: Contributed many covers and some tables and ladders before taking on a new role as Haydon's minder. Not gone, and not forgotten.

Off the bench - Wandsworth Womble :Young and enthusiastic newcomer making his debut this season.

Ball boy - Tu7or