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Funny how the narrative that Tzanev wouldn't even make non league changes when we've found the new guy to kick at any and all opportunities. Not even bothering to watch him play before doing it. Keep it classy fans.
12th Jul 2024 10:38:40 
Ex - The home of WU
Hash @08:51 spot on. The concern is why didn't Pigott work out elsewhere. If we can fix it great. If not, he's just another player.
12th Jul 2024 10:37:34 
Ex - The home of WU
In all honesty I think that our concerns are very clearly at the back, having lost Currie and Brown and with a pretty underwhelming GK signing to replace Bass and Tzanev. Obviously though there is still time to strengthen and if we can see the problem I have no doubt that CC (who has proved himself pretty switched on) will be on the case
12th Jul 2024 10:19:03 
Ex - The home of WU
I would say that Pigott will be (1) better than Davison was last year [not a high bar to clear] (2) not as good as when he was here first time round
12th Jul 2024 10:15:24 
Ex - The home of WU
Well I'm happy as a pig in shit,getting back the first league goalscorer of new plough lane ,šŸ˜‚
12th Jul 2024 09:46:03 
Ex - The home of WU
Agreed, Hash, underwhelmed by the Pigott signing but he has to be better than Davison, even if he's rusty. If he hits form it could turn out to be a great pairing with Bugiel, who might just be an expert pig feeder.
12th Jul 2024 09:11:33 
Two proven league strikers is a good start anyway. If Kelley comes good too we could be in for some goals. Lots of coulds, mights and and maybes atm. Roll on the first game.
I think people generally have their favourite narratives and you will read into things what you ultimately want to read into them. So if your narrative is that we are broke / finished / incompetent / rubbish / woke etc then that is what you will see, regardless of what we do. Likewise the opposite if you want to believe everything is rosy. I think Pigott is relatively simple - is it an upgrade or downgrade or so/so compared to Josh Davison who he is replacing? I say an upgrade but would be lying if I said his lack of goals since he left us doesn't concern me. Let's hope he is mentally in the right place and we have a style that suits him and he gets scoring.
12th Jul 2024 08:51:24 
Overall I like our 4 man strike force - think they all offer something different. Whether they will complement each other time will tell.
Thereā€™s something slightly morbid about all the retro-nostalgia with this club. Canā€™t quite put my finger on it.
12th Jul 2024 08:40:19 
Obviously our history is wonderful but maybe thereā€™s a tacit admission our future is limited?
Good old Biden keeps giving.
12th Jul 2024 00:13:31 
Ex - The home of WU
Pig coming back is not a good thing unless he proves this wrong. Another step backwards for him and for us. We should be moving forwards not being a rescue centre for mistreated wombles.
11th Jul 2024 23:41:01 
If he comes back all guns blazing then great. in a bad year he'll get 7 in a good year he'll get 15. But he's damaged goods.
Reminds me of that film Whiplash, seeking perfection in that instrument.
11th Jul 2024 21:28:58 
Must watch that again sometime.
Rob - Spotted them too. Blessum.
11th Jul 2024 20:27:43 
Ex - The home of WU
Pete - I like the old fella and his missus sitting to his left, just watching the whole thing
11th Jul 2024 20:21:37 
Probably saw quite a few decent bands in the 1970s
DD - Same clip, without the Yank [Link] Yep, incredible.
11th Jul 2024 20:16:17 
Ex - The home of WU
I think if I were an aspiring drummer, I'd hang up my sticks right now - that was just incredible.
11th Jul 2024 19:53:14 
Ex - The home of WU
Porthcawl yes they do [Link]
11th Jul 2024 19:42:41 
Ex - The home of WU
With a Hippo here and pig there ...
11th Jul 2024 19:42:20 
Old McDonald
Any more on the farm?
Any aspiring drummers out there? Watch this [Link]
11th Jul 2024 19:41:13 
Ex - The home of WU
peterborough fc website have no news on tomorrows match cancelation
11th Jul 2024 19:41:12 
Ex - The home of WU
One of the local ravens is in the garden at this very minute, tucking into a stale loaf. First visit for a while. A most welcome sight.
11th Jul 2024 19:31:09 
Ex - The home of WU
More important we have 4 strikers
11th Jul 2024 19:03:32 
Ex - The home of WU
Don't know what to think about the return of the Pig. He was good for us, but did have long spells of not scoring, and hasn't done that well for other clubs. Plus the "returning hero" thing seldom works out. Ah well.
11th Jul 2024 18:57:29 
Ex - The home of WU
Pigott for me the best signing of the summer,a proven goalscorer in league 1. Only 30, and most of last 3 season's on bench.soshould be fresh
11th Jul 2024 18:56:43 
Ex - The home of WU
11th Jul 2024 18:50:05 
Ex - The home of WU
[Link] At your own risk
11th Jul 2024 18:49:33 
Ex - The home of WU