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We are very lucky that these migrants coming in aren't adding to prison numbers,imagine how packed they would be thenšŸ˜†
12th Jul 2024 14:33:27 
Ex - The home of WU
DD - somewhat different - Sunak released "up to 70 days early" - Starmer proposes releasing prisoners with jail terms of up to 4 years after only 40% of sentence served. MoJ warns of unchecked criminality on the streets.
12th Jul 2024 14:20:31 
"1000 of rapists" - really? [Link] m
I wouldnā€™t want to see any sex offenders or violent offenders released any earlier than is currently built in to the parole system, but there are plenty of examples of crimes for which a custodial sentence does very little good other than serve as a punishment. A very good friend of mine was jailed for something that would probably have been better (and far more cheaply, and more quickly) addressed with help and support in society. Iā€™m not saying he didnā€™t need any form of punishment, but tagging him and requiring him to sign in weekly at a given location or something would have been far more effective than custody - two and a half years wasted, followed by years trying to get his life back to some kind of normal when he was literally zero threat to anyone other than himselfā€¦ Release (and help) those people, retain the dangerous ones inside - just my opinionā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø
12th Jul 2024 14:19:42 
Ex - The home of WU
As the Tory election campaign showed, they are addicted to telling lies.
12th Jul 2024 14:10:40 
Like their glamour boy Boris Johnson.
I think their planned reform for parole is to make it 40% of time served but not have that as an option for violent offenders, and to provide greater support to avoid reoffending cycles.
12th Jul 2024 14:09:53 
I donā€™t really have an opinion on 40/50% tbh, seems much of a muchness. Itā€™s the violent offenders that need to be locked up.
You cannot seriously expect right-wing fruitcakes to engage with facts, logic or context.
12th Jul 2024 14:07:50 
They will be telling us soon that Labour have been in power for 14 years.
What do you do with 1,000 rapists if thereā€™s no prison space? Either you have to free up room by releasing lower risk criminals or you put the rapists out into the community instead. Itā€™s hardly controversial to put most dangerous behind bars.
12th Jul 2024 14:07:00 
why are people leftie or woke because they want sensible, pragmatic policy, rather than populist soundbite policy that doesnā€™t work?
RK - if that is true then that is good. He should not be granted parole. I did not know if this was the case.
12th Jul 2024 14:04:40 
Ex - The home of WU
STD - the government, quite rightly, cannot step in and interfere with the parole system in this country. That would be a dictatorship if they were able to do so. Every criminal is legally allowed to apply for parole after half their sentence - this is the law. A law kept in place by the Conservative government just kicked out of office. Should the offence carry a longer sentence - yes - but that sentence was given under the previous Govt who could have sent it to appeal to be increased. I personally believe the sentence should be longer and there should be no parole but this incoming Govt cannot just wade in and change the legal decision of the judge without a good reason - unfortunately.
12th Jul 2024 14:02:29 
I think the Home Secretary can apply to have a sentence increased or a parole denied but can only do so within the law. Remind me, who was Home Secretary when this man was sentenced seven years ago and what did they do to either extend the sentence or amend the law on the minimum sentence. I am sure Twitter/X will be full of people to give this information.
Spit, the parole reduction excludes crims found guilty of sexual or violent crimes but don't worry about the facts!
12th Jul 2024 13:58:12 
Ex - The home of WU
OI-or 40 new hospitals!
12th Jul 2024 13:53:31 
Ex - The home of WU
In fairness Owen Goodman was only 19 when joining Colchester. Quite young for a Keeper and his first professional matches. For outfield loans I look at no longer a teen and not on his first loan. Ramsdale was 20 and had pro experience. Assuming my "rule" works for Keepers we may have timed (in his career) this correctly.
12th Jul 2024 13:52:57 
Ex - The home of WU
I think it disgusting that after a whole week in office, the government has not built a single new prison!
12th Jul 2024 13:42:12 
Maybe Sunny has a magical solution to the fact that the prisons are full, with large numbers of unconvicted prisoners on remand amongst the inmates.
It's not like the previous government ever did such a thing, after all. Oh, hang on - [Link]
12th Jul 2024 13:29:29 
Ex - The home of WU
StD - my apologies - still think you should rebrand as the X-man
12th Jul 2024 13:28:01 
Ex - The home of WU
Dint worry Surrey Bob,I did mention it afew days ago and Russ put me right on it šŸ˜‚I also mentioned that a leader of a grooming gang who got 13 years is up for parole after 7 years inside.,but the left on here ignored me,as there are certain subjects they don't like to address.
12th Jul 2024 13:08:59 
Ex - The home of WU
Page 46 of The Times - Make a sporting career your goal - features silent Joe Palmer
12th Jul 2024 12:58:54 
Ex - The home of WU
SB - yes a sideways move to another L2 side wouldnā€™t be a massive positive. If they had a good season in L2 then L1 teams would be interested.
12th Jul 2024 12:52:13 
Bring back Kelle Roos
Russ - which calls into question the Palace keeper who was at Colchester last year - surely a L1 club for him this season unless he is not very good
12th Jul 2024 12:49:56 
Ex - The home of WU
StD - unlike you to be so slow - no comment on the 1000s of scum that Labour will release early to commit further crimes
12th Jul 2024 12:47:54 
Ex - The home of WU
I think the rumour earlier in the summer was to get one experienced GK and then a young GK (either perm or on loan). I assume that Ward is the experienced backup and the main GK is still to come. Ideally it would be someone on their second loan but I doubt you send out a promising GK to League Two for their second loan spell unless theyā€™ve spent the last year in non league.
12th Jul 2024 11:47:12 
Ex - The home of WU
After pigot get 10 goals by January, he will get recalled and loaned to notts county šŸ˜‚
12th Jul 2024 11:37:23 
Ex - The home of WU
If Ward is intended the backup then really he just needs to be ā€œgood enoughā€ and ā€œas cheap as possibleā€, and if so he seems a pretty good signing for that role, as he certainly wonā€™t have been in a position to make massive wage demands. For the real keeper we need someone who is ā€œas good as possibleā€ within our budget constraints, and presumably that will be the rumoured loan signing from Palace, which will set us up ok if we get him
12th Jul 2024 11:31:25 
Ex - The home of WU
And to be fair, we don't tend to get it *too* wrong in the keeper department. Though it'll be a shame that whoever is first choice will be compared (unfavourably) to Bass
12th Jul 2024 11:23:35 
Will be happier with at least one left back before long
Morning all. Isn't that Palace lad who's supposed to be joining us likely to be first choice keeper wise?
12th Jul 2024 11:20:29 
Expecting we'll make more signings before the first PSF in this country that isn't the Met Police.