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I had to go and check whether Excel could cope with dates pre 1900. Not that I would ever doubt Bert but it was not something I had ever tried to do before. Lo and behold it couldn't cope. That must be a nightmare for a historian.
20th Jul 2024 23:59:36 
Ex - The home of WU
They still do pubs proper down that way.
20th Jul 2024 21:38:18 
So them should.
Excellent pub too!
20th Jul 2024 21:25:27 
Ex - The home of WU
Paddington's neck of the woods [Link]
20th Jul 2024 21:11:39 
Ex - The home of WU
RIP Bob Newhart
20th Jul 2024 21:09:19 
Ex - The home of WU
REPD, pretty sure that similar was said about the preseason for Robbo. Let’s hope it doesn’t run out like that season. I’m not sure 3-5-2 is the way to go. Very fews teams are successful in the long term playing that. Jackson also tried that in his first season and it was a shambles for the first 10 games.
20th Jul 2024 20:34:32 
Ex - The home of WU
... and of course tomorrow I'm going to do that and see what happens 👍
20th Jul 2024 19:55:49 
Ex - The home of WU
But it's unlikely the LEB had to chase unpaid bills in the 19th century. It was a clever way of storing dates.
20th Jul 2024 19:53:40 
Ex - The home of WU
So strange seeing a white man playing Test cricket for the West Indies.
20th Jul 2024 19:23:47 
Can’t recall the last time I saw one
Bit of a puff piece by SW19s. O’Pikey et al conceded five at home.
20th Jul 2024 19:21:31 
Ex - The home of WU
Tom Swig - Days since 1900 are fine until you have to enter a date before 1900. Excel is a pain for that.
20th Jul 2024 18:32:48 
Ex - The home of WU
It would not be a surprise if we win a few games 4-3 for the first couple of months at least
20th Jul 2024 18:09:01 
Including some outright panic in injury time when we let in a soft goal
Impossible to tell til end of January when we see the next squad.
20th Jul 2024 17:36:45 
Ex - The home of WU
League 2 is weaker this season than last without big spenders Wrexham and Stockport. Much of a muchness between about 15 clubs. Looking at the transfer activity so far no team really stands out. If the team clicks no reason why we can't challenge for the play-offs.
20th Jul 2024 17:29:30 
Ex - The home of WU
And a proper report on SW19 about today's game - [Link]
20th Jul 2024 17:22:47 
We'll know more when we play Maidenhead and Barnet rather than today.
2-5, not 2-6 😬 We played some decent stuff, hit the bar, most likely should have had a penalty, so 4-5 might have been a better reflection - good, open game, great for both sets of players to stretch their legs without the worry of mistakes meaning points dropped. Pant wetting is probably premature, but you can’t ever stop people doomscrolling through Twitter/X even when it’s only a friendly against a strong Premier League squad…
20th Jul 2024 17:22:01 
Ex - The home of WU
Think we’ll struggle to reach the same heights in the league as we did last season. Maybe JJ can show some sort of improvement YoY in his own understanding of how to win games in L2, but at the moment the players he has to put out there appear to be of a lesser standard on paper compared with last season.
20th Jul 2024 17:05:34 
Not expecting us to go up or down, hopefully won’t be involved in a serious relegation battle.
Bottom half this season?
20th Jul 2024 17:00:56 
Going backwards
Thanks CM. I just remember how poor the Colchester one was last year
20th Jul 2024 16:43:13 
Mark L. Unconvincing to say the least. Goodman marginally edged it due to better kicking. Don't really remember either saving anything to be honest
20th Jul 2024 16:29:25 
Ex - The home of WU
Ref was hopeless
20th Jul 2024 16:28:07 
Might say that again before the end of the season
What were goalies like?
20th Jul 2024 16:08:44 
Ex - The home of WU
5 all would have been about right! Kelly's penalty, Pigott brought down when clean through and Pigott's free kick that struck the cross bar.
20th Jul 2024 15:20:02 
On a more serious note our defending in the first half was quite naive. Biler did himself no favours having pressed up field, dropped into a conventional left back role, was instantly left flat footed and then conceded the penalty trying to recover. In fairness there was a collective confusion in the first half. O'Toole is in prime position to start in the middle of a back three after his impressive 30 minute cameo.
20th Jul 2024 15:08:00 
Ex - The home of WU
Cricket score anyone?
20th Jul 2024 14:44:53 
Ex - The home of WU