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Don’t see where goals are coming from to get close to play offs
10th Jul 2024 12:48:08 
Ex - The home of WU
Pig is replacement for Josh Davison isn’t he - not sure many would prefer JD. But for every improvement we make we have a detrimental change elsewhere (Currie). Expecting more of the same really ie mid table, maybe a play off push if we’re lucky.
10th Jul 2024 12:45:55 
But it’s better than being in relegation scraps
Yes a future manager
10th Jul 2024 11:49:13 
Ex - The home of WU
On paper this Reddington bloke looks good
10th Jul 2024 11:48:26 
Ex - The home of WU
6 days of labour and the head of a grooming gang up for parole after serving 7 years from a 13 year term.and pay per mile is already spoken off.
10th Jul 2024 11:48:24 
They obviously only want to be in power for 5 years.
Reddington looks like a cuckoo on JJ's shoulder to me
10th Jul 2024 11:41:20 
Ex - The home of WU
spit Cosgrove was the one actual striker I talked about. Ablade and Cosgrave were both more attacking wide players Id' forgotten about Fisher, mainly because he got a contract from being part of Robbo's boys and was never up to the level generally.
10th Jul 2024 11:41:06 
Ex - The home of WU
Think cosgrove,cosgrave,terry Ablade and the guy we got back from hampton and richmond 😂
10th Jul 2024 11:37:46 
Ex - The home of WU
Reddington seems way overqualified to be the number 3 at a L2 club. CC has done really well to sign him. Hopefully will widen the tactical options that we look at.
10th Jul 2024 11:35:17 
Ex - The home of WU
Sav definitely must be giving off some good vibes with him as surely we wouldn't be the only gig for him.
10th Jul 2024 11:31:50 
Ex - The home of WU
Looks like a very solid replacement for Tuvey. Another reassuring signal that things are being well executed amongst on the playing/coaching side of things.
10th Jul 2024 11:30:28 
Reddington presumably sees us as a stepping stone to a bigger club in London in a year or two, but that's ambition so all good by me.
Spit I think we only actually had 1 striker second half of that season. Palmer was sold. Pressley was injured. The rest of them from memory were really wide players - no out and out strikers.
10th Jul 2024 11:30:07 
When you look back at that squad. We really didn't have strikers we were trying to play with attacking midfielders and wingers as our goal scorers and on loan big units that weren't great scorers.
Reddington seems far more experienced even now than Tuvey is but definitely more so than when RT first got the gig. (And that's not putting him down).
10th Jul 2024 11:24:59 
Ex - The home of WU
Reddington - [Link]
10th Jul 2024 11:21:36 
Morgen alles
Would 100%take the 4 strikers we have now over the ones that we ended up relegated with. Now let's get the crosses and shots at goal right.
10th Jul 2024 11:18:05 
Ex - The home of WU
Ric my concern has always been when he went from being the main man to one of several he didn't score much. But when he was the main man for us, we didn't score much beyond his goals (which came from most of the chances). If we can solve those challenges he's going to make the difference.
10th Jul 2024 11:17:46 
Ex - The home of WU
Welcome Dave Reddington
10th Jul 2024 11:17:16 
Rob Tuvey replacement
Never felt Joe lived up to his hype and 8 goals in his last 93 games for clubs various does not fill me with great enthusiasm.
10th Jul 2024 11:10:24 
Ex - The home of WU
The challenge is does he come in and add goals (which based on last 10 or so games seems likely cos we didn't take a lot of our chances) or does he come in and just score the chances the likes of Bugiel, Curtis and Tilley were scoring anyway.
10th Jul 2024 11:09:40 
We really need more goals not just someone scoring the same ones.
Goal scoring record per game looks a lot better than goals per shots and goals per chances. He was the main striker (only really) when with us so 90% of the chances went to him. Means his return wasn't amazing but equally means he could be heavily marked. Be interesting to see his return if we put other options around him. (Would have been interesting to see what he did with Palmer alongside and Rudoni/Assal on the pitch as well. Less chances but potentially better situations when they came).
10th Jul 2024 11:05:43 
Ex - The home of WU
I'd normally be optimistic about Pigott coming back (even if only on loan) but our record with players who have been good for us then coming back for a second spell has generally been pretty underwhelming so we'd need to break that pattern (though to be fair Reeves is a recent example where it has gone well, to offset the examples of Balkenstein, Appiah, Folivi etc)
10th Jul 2024 11:05:27 
Ex - The home of WU
I have 2 hopes about his time here. One is that we don't think he's a replacement for AAH. He simply isn't the same player, pace in particular is a big difference. So we can't stick him up front and hoof ball up for him to chase. Other is I hope we don't use him as a Bugiel type. We know he never worked as a big unti holding the ball up, didn't even win free kicks every time he ended up on the floor.
10th Jul 2024 11:00:56 
Ex - The home of WU
Goal every 2.9 games in a,struggling wombles team 👏
10th Jul 2024 10:56:32 
Ex - The home of WU
Pig was quality but needed more service. Pig and Bugiel would be interesting as Bugiel can do a lot of the heavy lifting as a target man. Plus having Stevens and Kelly is promotion quartet vibes. Shame the rest of the team doesn’t have any players sorted or I’d be quite optimistic.
10th Jul 2024 10:56:18 
Ex - The home of WU
Most of my memory of Joe Pigott is him being shit fighting relegation
10th Jul 2024 10:21:14 
Looks more of the same coming